Thursday, August 19, 2010

Two Street Photos from CA

Before I get around to working on all the photos I shot this summer I wanted to catch up on some older stuff gathering some metaphorical dust on my harddrive. Here are two photos from my trip out to California last January

Tucker Phillips, Ollie, LA

Skating around downtown LA this brick volcano spot is a pretty safe bet for a good time. Tucker boosted a little ollie before Paul road a Segway.

Tylor O, Front Blunt across the gap, Huntington Beach

I have known Tylor for a pretty long time, so he is used to waiting for photos from me. Between my last post and this, he should be pretty stoked. He didn't come with Tucker, Paul and me on our trip out, but Tylor happened to be southern California at the same time, so we did some skateboarding and he got a Front Blunt across this Huntington Beach ledge.

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