Thursday, December 4, 2008

Carpe Noctem

I was first made aware of the Sleeping Giants project on the skateboard photography forum I have been visiting and participating in for years now when the photographer behind the series posted looking for critique. Since then I have seen it linked from a number of sites including the blog of a photographer I follow from New York and the San Francisco art site Fecal Face. I have been seeing work from Brooks Reynolds on Agro (back to when it was still for some years now and clicked the link to be brought to a simple flash gallery filled with compelling images that, in my opinion, accomplish what they set out to do:

"Summer nights encompass some of the most unforgettable times of our lives.
There is a certain mystery contained in the darkness & tension.
In 48 photographs, ‘WE ARE SLEEPING GIANTS” eludes to the stories of youth, isolation &
nearly supernatural experiences during this annual epoch."

I was going to gush about Brooks's use of light and effectiveness of capturing whats really an indefinable mood, but just go look at the images. They speak for themselves.