The past few weeks have been busy to say the least. Since the trip to Canada it's back to the routine, Monday work 8-6. Tuesday class 1030-5. Wednesday, the killer, work 8-6, class 6-10. Thursday class 1030-4. Friday work 8-7. Any "free time" on weekdays is generally spent working on papers/projects for school and weekends I just try to get enough sleep to make it through the next week. I love my job and I like my classes, but through all this its difficult to find time to see my friends and not lose my mind, and both of these things will get increasingly difficult with more projects and papers and tax season at work all coming up this next month. SO this weekend, with the first 2 consecutive days of 60+ degree weather I pushed all this nonsense aside and just enjoyed God's beautiful earth. Yesterday I went to the zoo and visited some aminals, and today I checked out a new church with Kate, and before riding around aimlessly in the sunshine I ordered a new bike frame, which while exciting to me, would bum Brian Anderson way out.
One thing weighing heavily on me this semester is the workload from my Studio Lighting 2 class. At least 3 significant projects still lie ahead this next month for this class alone. My midterm was the cause of this face, but it finally got done and while I'm not extremely excited about how it came out I am hugely thankful to Jeannette, Kate, Bob and Geoff for helping me out. So before I get to the point of hating these pictures I will post them up The assignment was "Hollywood Portraits"
It's the freakin weekend baby, and I had me some fun
I'm a photographer born and raised in Chicago, living and working in Southern California. I love taking photos of skateboarding as much as I love riding one myself.
See all my work at