Thursday, April 24, 2008

Big Week

So much going on this week.
Got out shooting skating for the first time in...months..over the weekend. Shot with ELY and got one that may run in FTK.
Last week I came out of class to this:

so that sucked real bad, but I replaced the stolen wheel with a slight upgrade:

I've been putting the new wheel to good use at work. Monday I kept very busy and as a bonus got hooked up with some excellent car-rate runs as well
and for my final run of the day my dispatcher offered a sunny ride way up northwest; I graciously accepted


So this week I had 1 Research Paper for History of the American City, 1 Ad recreation for Studio Lighting 2, a sculptural piece due in 3D Deisgn, and a group presentation in History of Photography with an accompanying response paper, all along with 3 full days of work. Needless to say I'll be glad when I can close the book on this week.
But I did get a new bike...