Friday, July 24, 2009

"Featured" in The Program Zine

The Program Zine is a project from Louisville photog Andy Collins that is gaining steam with every issue it puts out. Presently only available for viewing online, the tenth issue just dropped last week and I was pleasantly surprised to see myself as the "Featured" photographer for the issue. Andy laid out a whole bunch of my photos in a great looking format, featuring mostly skate photos, but also a few portraits and some panoramic stuff too.

Featured in The Program Zine

It would be awesome if you would check out my Feature, but also take time to "flip" through the whole issue, there are some great stories and photos in there. Head to or click one of these tear sheets to be redirected!

Featured in The Program Zine

1 comment:

Golf Reviews said...

Hey man, I'm lovin hearin that you are finally getting some recognition. I haven't said much, but have seen a lot of your work and thoroughly enjoy it. Keep it up, the sky is the limit.